Ryan Rockwell

Cincinnati, OH

(Trash Pop)

Ryan Rockwell is an artist based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. He currently has zero Grammys but did win an award for best hip hop/rap group at the Cincinnati Entertainment Awards. 

Combining his love of upbeat poppy punk rock as well as hip hop and earworm melodies, he threw it all into the blender and gave it a special shine on his debut solo album "Smurf King". An album reflective of growing up and on, growing as a person, and the desire to do better. Anyone can relate to the themes on this album, but they are certainly told from a unique perspective.

Ryan has played everything from the sweaty basement hardcore shows packed like sardines to playing huge stages with some of your favorite hip hop and pop acts, and regardless of where he is, he just wants to make some more music.

Social Media: Instagram | TikTok | Twitter


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